Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Americans are stressed..

According to the poll, 46% of Americans say they're suffering from debt related stress.

" About 46% of those surveyed say they're suffering from debt-related stress, and half of that group described their stress as "great deal" or "quite a bit." On the other hand, about 53% say they feel little or no stress at all.
That's in line with findings from last year, even though times seem better today: The economy is growing and generating jobs, and households have made progress in repairing their financial footing, trimming debt, watching spending and saving more.
It's a big turnaround from a year ago — a shrinking economy, jobs jettisoned as businesses struggled to survive the deepest recession since the 1930s.
So why aren't the stressed — and the not-so-stressed — feeling better?
For starters, it just doesn't feel much like a recovery to many people."

Ring a bell?

Source:  http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2010-05-30-stress-debt-poll_N.htm?csp=hf

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