Here I had this packet to be courier'd to a bank containing some documents.
Somehow I lost the packet on road (flew away from my bike while riding).
I also went to the way back..following the same road hoping I'll find it lying on the road..
No luck I had...and so eventually gave up my hopes with that.
Not that the packet had some important documents...were just some xeroxed letters of which I could always make a copy again..and then I almost forgot the incident...
Now, this fine day..I have this office mail guy handing over the same parcel to me.
Someone generous might have found this lying on the road..and did actually posted the parcel back to me back..(obviously I had my address / phone number written at the back)...the parcel was completely intact..un-opened.
Incidents like this make you feel good..isn't it?
Thank You Anonymous.!!